Log of the process of creating a simple local 2 player chess game using free assets found online


1 month long project split into progress weeks

Week 1 - 1.06 - 10.06

Implement Basic Gameplay rules and sprites

1. @DONE Implement FEN notation for setting up board
- "animate" placing of pieces using a step counter(1 piece per half second interval)
2. Calculate and implement piece movement
3. Implement turns and figure out game overlord tracking? 
4. Implement special cases (en passant, castling, check blocking)
5. Refactor and Postmortem time, what can be improved and how?
Resources uses
- https://www.chess.com/terms/fen-chess
Week 2 - 09.06 - 16.06 - TO BE DECIDED DUE TO HOLIDAY

Implement Easings and feel, give users feedback

Week 3 - 17.06 - 24.06

Implement Menus

Week 4 - 25.06 - 30.06

Polish, recap of learned things, what can be taken into next project



1. fixed highlight
2. implemented turn order and can move pieces


1. a shit ton of refactoring to ease the pain i got into trying to implement piece movement during the week


1. refactoring to remove unneeded files
2. readme update with log and plan
3. first draft of plan
- Raylib            : https://raylib.com/
- Odin Language     : https://odin-lang.org/
- Heroes Chess      : https://nulltale.itch.io/heroes-chess/