
Simple mongo db key-value store implementation

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple mongo db key-value store implementation


var MongoDBCache = require('mdb-cache');
var mdbCache = new MongoDBCache({
  uri: 'mongodb://', //default
  collection: 'mdb-cache', //default
  connectionOptions: {},
  idFeild: '_id' //default, stands for feild name of 'key' in mongodb

//return a promise resolve the value, 
//can pass in a function as second parameter that check the vadality of the value,
//and if function return true, value will be deleted, and get promise will resolve null;
mdbCache.get(key, invalid);

//return a promise that indicates successfully 'set' if fulfilled
mdbCache.set(key, value);

//return a promise that indicates successfully 'delete a key-value' if fulfilled

//close connection;

// register an error handler