
A sample program for connecting a remote HBase in Java.

Don't forget to enable assert! It can be enabled as follows in eclipse: Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs > Edit > Default VM Arguments: -ea


(c) Yuji Kosuga 2012


hbase-java-sample is freely distributable under the MIT license.


java Main (with no arguments)

Launch this program with hbase-default.xml.

java Main [config_file]

Lauch this program with the pecified config file, which is a usually a copy of hbase-site.xml.
A sample hbase-site.xml is in the conf directory.

java Main [hbase.zookeeper.quorum] [hbase.zookeeper.property.clientPort]

Lauch this program with the specified zookeeper parameters.
[hbase.zookeeper.quorum] is a comma separated list of servers in the ZooKeeper Quorum, for which \"localhost\" is set in the Zookeeper default configuration.
[hbase.zookeeper.property.clientPort] is the port at which the clients will connect, for which \"2181\" is set in the Zookeeper default configuration.