Terraform Provider Doppler

The Doppler Terraform Provider allows you to interact with your Doppler secrets and configuration.


terraform {
  required_providers {
    doppler = {
      # version = <latest version>
      source = "DopplerHQ/doppler"

variable "doppler_token" {
  type = string

provider "doppler" {
  doppler_token = var.doppler_token

data "doppler_secrets" "this" {
  project = "backend"
  config = "dev"

# Access individual secrets
output "stripe_key" {
  value = data.doppler_secrets.this.map.STRIPE_KEY

# Use `tonumber` and `tobool` to parse string values into Terraform primatives
output "max_workers" {
  value = tonumber(data.doppler_secrets.this.map.MAX_WORKERS)

resource "random_password" "db_password" {
  length = 32
  special = true

# Set secrets in Doppler
resource "doppler_secret" "db_password" {
  project = "backend"
  config = "dev"
  name = "DB_PASSWORD"
  value = random_password.db_password.result

# Create and modify Doppler projects, environments, configs, and service tokens

resource "doppler_project" "test_proj" {
  name = "my-test-project"
  description = "This is a test project"

resource "doppler_environment" "ci" {
  project = doppler_project.test_proj.name
  slug = "ci"
  name = "CI-CD"

resource "doppler_config" "ci_github" {
  project = doppler_project.test_proj.name
  environment = doppler_environment.ci.slug
  name = "ci_github"

resource "doppler_service_token" "ci_github_token" {
  project = doppler_project.test_proj.name
  config = doppler_config.ci_github.name
  name = "test token"
  access = "read"

Terraform CDK

Read the Terraform CDK guide to learn more about how to use this provider with Terraform CDK.


Run the following command to build the provider:

make build
# Outputs terraform-provider-doppler binary

Test Sample Configuration

First, build and install the provider.

make install

Update examples/main.tf with the local development provider:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    doppler = {
      source  = "doppler.com/core/doppler"

Then, run the following command to initialize the workspace and apply the sample configuration.

cd examples
terraform init && terraform apply