
Spectral fits for Supernova 2014dt using the radiative transfer code TARDIS

MIT LicenseMIT


The input and output files used to model the spectra of Supernova 2014dt using the radiative transfer code TARDIS in Camacho-Neves et al. 2023.

Each input file has a corresponding output file with a nearly identical name.

The input files (TARDIS input file) are in the folder input_yml_files and are named as "UT-date_phase_telescope_model.yml".

The output files (synthetic spectra) are in the folder output_synthetic_spectra and are named as "UT-date_phase_telescope_model_spec.dat". Each output file is a two-column text file with wavelength (Angstrom) and luminosity (erg/s/Angstrom).

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.