:rocket: CLI tool for FastAPI. Generating new FastAPI projects & boilerplates made easy.
- 0
Is this repo still maintained?
#147 opened by ulgens - 1
- 0
Adding the option to choose an output directory
#141 opened by gelycot - 4
Support SQLModel
#82 opened by mbnoimi - 0
fastapi.run should be able to take arguments from cli
#128 opened by danilovmy - 0
- 1
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'app'
#118 opened by paras97verma - 0
Missing requirement: pydantic[dotenv]
#112 opened by mavhungutrezzy - 1
Error when startproject: value is not a valid email address (type=value_error.email)
#102 opened by yuhengShii - 2
Remove support of python 3.6
#96 opened by kaieslamiri - 3
- 1
Add Dockerfile support
#92 opened by Kludex - 1
uvicorn port/host
#90 opened by maniutekk - 1
Duplicate Code in Test File
#71 opened by Saksham1611 - 1
#79 opened by shakthifuture - 0
#80 opened by shakthifuture - 1
How to run on multiple ports ?
#74 opened by sc0der - 0
Generate new endpoint boilerplate
#67 opened by pigeonflight - 7
Examples section
#31 opened by hp0404 - 1
fastapi version error
#58 opened by wangxr011235 - 1
- 4
Choice template
#51 opened by F0rzend - 7
ImportError: python-dotenv is not installed, run `pip install pydantic[dotenv]`
#50 opened by arkryonia - 7
- 3
Fastapi & Python 3.9
#30 opened by studio-salamander - 1
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Manage FastAPI August-September 2020 Roadmap
#10 opened by ycd - 1
Adding tests.
#5 opened by ycd