
My command line configuration and vim plugin system, plus with some useful scripts.

Primary LanguagePerl

My toolkit including dotfiles, plugins and scripts.

How to install

git clone https://github.com/ycflame/toolkit.git
cd toolkit

plugin list:

  1. pathogen
    • plugin manager
  2. supertab
    • auto-complete
  3. MRU
    • recent opened file list
  4. python.vim
    • syntax highlight
  5. UltiSnips
    • code snippet as template
  6. cscope_maps
    • cscope key binding
  7. vim-surround
    • manipulate surroundings such as parentheses, brackets, quotes etc.
  8. vim-repeat
    • make vim-surround repeatable using '.' command
  9. vim-multiple-cursors
    • Highly recommended!!! multi-line editing like sublime text
  10. syntastic
    • syntax and PEP8 style checker
  11. vim-indent-object
    • defines a new text object representing code at the same indent level
  12. vim-autoclose
    • auto-close your brackets, quotes etc.
  13. tcomment
    • shortcuts for commenting your code
  14. vim-template
    • template system for different file types
  15. indentLine
    • display the indention levels with thin vertical lines
  16. TagBar
    • display tags of a file ordered by scope
  17. ack.vim
    • vim plugin for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack'
  18. vim-easy-align
    • simple, easy-to-use vim alignment plugin

plugins in beta:


  • Tmux


  1. General
    • git
    • cscope
    • ctags
  2. Pip
    • pycscope
    • flake8
    • autopep8