
AWESOME little badges for 42 curriculum projects. A collection of badges(icons). Feel free to use them after staring the repository :) Contributions are welcomed! A special thanks to the actual artist who created the badges from the current version -> @lrcouto

MIT LicenseMIT

ready to help

42 Project - Badges

Cute little badges for the 42 curriculum projects!

GitHub code size in bytes License

Those images were produced as a paid freelance contract between lrcouto and 42 São Paulo, and, the right of use and distribution belongs to 42 São Paulo. They are not included in any kind of free-to-use license, they belong to a private entity. Those badges are property of a private entity and should not be used willy-nilly.

This repository is dedicated to collecting a wide variety of badges for the curriculum projects at 42 School. Whether you're a student, alumni, or simply an admirer of the school's projects, you'll find a delightful assortment of badges and covers to showcase your achievements.

Our collection features badges for various 42 curriculum projects, carefully gathered from different sources. In cases where a badge is missing or not readily available, we encourage you to contribute by adding your own designs. Feel free to put your creative skills to use and help us expand this repository!

Using these badges is easy. Simply download the images you need and integrate them into your projects, personal websites, or any other platforms where you want to display your 42 School accomplishments.

We appreciate any contributions to this repository, whether it's by adding missing badges, creating new designs, or suggesting improvements. If you have a badge to contribute, please follow the guidelines outlined in the repository.

📁 Structure/

  • badges/ Folder with all the badges from the Common Core projects
  • covers/ Folder with cover pages for your GitHub projects

🛠️ Usage

Forking the Repository

To start using the badges, you can fork this repository by clicking on the "Fork" button located at the top right corner of this page. This will create a copy of the repository under your own GitHub account, allowing you to make modifications and use the badges as per your needs.

Instructions to Use the Badges:

  • Download the archives: Start by navigating to the badge folder (badges/) in this repository. You can access the folder by clicking here.
  • Choose the desired badge: Browse through the collection of badges and select the ones you want to use in your projects.
  • Integrate the badges: Download the badge image files to your local machine by clicking on each badge and selecting the "Download" option. Make sure to remember the location where you save the files.

Once you have downloaded the badge files, you can integrate them into your projects or platforms of choice. Add them to your project documentation, GitHub repositories, personal websites...

⭐ Badges

The badges displayed below are part of the game mechanics implemented at 42São Paulo, where students unlock badges after each achievement within the 42 Common Core universe. The badge design can vary between "mandatory" and "bonus" badges.

Project Badge With Bonus
libft libft libft-bonus
get_next_line get_next_line get_next_line-bonus
born2beroot born2beroot born2beroot-bonus
ft_printf ft_printf ft_printf-bonus
minitalk minitalk minitalk-bonus
pipex pipex pipex-bonus
so_long so_long so_long-bonus
fdf fdf fdf-bonus
fractol fractol fractol-bonus
push_swap push_swap push_swap-bonus
philosophers philosophers philosophers-bonus
minishell minishell minishell-bonus
netpratice netpratice netpratice-bonus
cub3d cub3d cub3d-bonus
minirt minirt minirt-bonus
cpp cpp cpp-bonus
ft_containers ft_containers ft_containers
inception inception inception-bonus
webserv webserver webserver-bonus
ft_irc ft_irc ft_irc-bonus
ft_transcendence ft_transcendence ft_transcendence-bonus

⭐ Badges : Plus

Project Badge With Bonus
Human Coder libft libft-bonus
Creator libft libft-bonus
Events libft libft-bonus
P2P Master libft libft-bonus
Helper libft libft-bonus
Voxotron libft libft-bonus

🌠 Cover Pages

A cover page design for your projects da 42 School.

Project Cover Pages With Bonus
libft libft libft-bonus
get_next_line get_next_line get_next_line-bonus
ft_printf ft_printf ft_printf-bonus
born2beroot born2beroot born2beroot-bonus
push_swap push_swap push_swap-bonus
so_long so_long so_long-bonus
minitalk minitalk minitalk-bonus
pipex pipex pipex-bonus
philosophers philosophers philosophers-bonus
minishell minishell minishell-bonus
netpractice net_practice net_practice-bonus
cub3d cub3d cub3d-bonus
cpp cpp cpp-bonus

📋 Issues

Feel free to open an issue if you find a bug or have a suggestion, so we can discuss the best way to improve or fix it.

📜 License

This project is made under the MIT license, for more information about its possible use, modification, and sharing, click here.

Developed by cadets for cadets.