
A cardstack-based contenta demo app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Contenta Demo using Cardstack

This is a demonstration of how to build an app around Contenta) using Cardstack.


Cardstack is moving toward a fully Dockerized architecture that will reduce this prerequisites list, but here's what you'll need to run it today:

In addition, you will need to have read-write access to a Contenta site. You can either follow the instructions on http://www.contentacms.org/ or try a Docker-based setup like https://github.com/ef4/contenta_docker


Get the necessary Code

  • Clone the Contenta Cardstack repo with git clone https://github.com/ef4/contenta_cardstack
  • Install Contenta Cardstack dependencies
    • cd contenta_cardstack
    • yarn install
  • Clone Contenta Docker with git clone https://github.com/ef4/contenta_docker

Build Contenta Docker

It's probably a very good idea to ensure that any other development servers you might be running are off during this initial provision to avoid any networking conflicts or other inexplicable strangeness.

  • Change directory into the contenta_docker repository, wherever you cloned it.
  • docker compose build
  • docker compose up (Alternatively, use docker composer up -dto avoid having your terminal session taken over.)
  • Install Drupal with docker exec contentadocker_php_1 init-drupal
  • Copy and paste the login URL you are presented with and log in to Drupal
  • Create password for your Drupal account. You will be needing this later.
  • Ensure that your Drupal user has the admin role

Set up Oauth

  • While still logged in to Drupal, visit /admin/config/people/simple_oauth
  • Add token expiration time values (access and refresh) to a very large number (Something like 30000000 would do).
  • Public key /var/www/public.key
  • private Key /var/www/private.key
  • Implicit Grant ENABLE
  • Save Configuration
  • Click ADD CLIENT
  • Label Cardstack
  • New Secret - enter a new secret, and take note of it. You will be needing it later
  • Scopes - Check Administrator
  • Hit save

Create Oauth Token

Use this curl command (or other REST Client) to retreive the Oauth token from Drupal (You may need to remove the line breaks):

curl -X POST \ http://localhost/oauth/token \ -H ‘cache-control: no-cache’ \ -H ‘content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ \ -d ‘client_id=<clientID>&client_secret=<secret>&grant_type=password&username=admin&password=<admin_password>’ In the client_id section, you will need to set the following values:

  • client ID: uuid seen on /admin/config/people/simple_oauth/oauth2_client
  • secret: The secret set on the Oauch client.
  • admin_password: The passsword for the Drupal admin user.

For example: client_id=f2a9c03e-421b-477b-af10-e272c1771732&client_secret=the%20cardstack%20password&grant_type=password&username=admin&password=test

This will return access and refresh tokens - You will want to retain the access token for the next steps.

Install Elasticsearch Container

** docker run -d -p 9200:9200 cardstack/elasticsearch:dev

Configure Cardstack

  • Change directory into contenta_cardstack project
  • cd cardstack/seeds/development
  • edit drupal-auth.js
  • set clientId and client secret from above values
  • edit drupal.js
  • Update authToken (at end of file) with the access token returned from the curl command

Start Cardstack

  • Change directory back to contenta_cardstack root
  • ember serve

Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.

Debugging Cardstack Hub

The @cardstack/hub server process runs inside ember-cli in development. To get much more debug out about what it's doing, set the environment variables:

DEBUG_LEVEL=info (or debug or trace)

Further Reading / Useful Links