
A collection of terminal utility for downloading and manipulating mp3 files

Primary LanguagePython

A collection of terminal tools to download music from youtube. To setup just do ./setup.sh (might need some priviledge).

What do they do

  • batch-dl takes a list of song names and downloads them using youtube-dl.
  • list-spotify takes a url from Spotify's web UI and lists all all the songtracks in it. Piping these two programs together allows you to "download" songs from spotify. This is exactly what spotify-dl does.
  • set-album set album allows you to set album name of a mp3 file.

How to use them

  • The usage of batch-dl is pretty straight forward. See batch-dl -h for help. Same for set-album.
  • list-spotify and spotify-dl rely on Spotify's API, so you would need to get an access token to use them. If everything is in place, juse `list-spotify -u [url of album or playlist] will list all the sound tracks in standard output.

How to get access token from Spotify

  1. list-spotify -r redirects you to the url to register an app. After registering the app, copy your client id, which you would need for next step.
  2. list-spotify -g redirects you to the url to manually request an access token.
  3. list-spotify -a [access token] allows you to store access token you obtained from last step.