My NS-3 experiments

what's in there?

  • LanHelper -- easily building LAN network with hosts connected by switches in arbitrary topology

how to use LanHelper?

Create a helper with specified SimpleNetDeviceHelper. LanHelper currently uses SimpleNetDevice; Other NS-3 devices will be supported in the future.

SimpleNetDeviceHelper deviceHelper;
// ... configuration of device helper
LanHelper lan(deviceHelper);

Specify your topology with LanHelper::addConnection function.
While first argument is a smart pointer to the switch node, the second argument is a NodeContainer for arbitrary nodes that you want to connect to the switch (you can connect a switch to other switches by including switch node in the second argument).

lan.addConnection(switchNode, nodesToConnect);
lan.addConnection(...other links...);

Install the specified topology with LanHelper::install function. The install function returns a NetDeviceContainer containing net devices of the terminal nodes, which you can later use to build your network interfaces (e.g. using Ipv4AddressHelper to install Ipv4Interfaces). Note that this function already uses InternetStackHelper to enable a few of NS-3 builtin protocols.

NetDeviceContainer hostsDevices = lan.install();


  • An example of using LanHelper to build a basic UdpEcho application is here.