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1- Download the script from this repo. 2- Open your Google Drive 3- Create a spread sheet 4- Click on Tools/Scripts 5- Copy/Paste the downloaded script into your script editor 6- Save it 7- Click Deploy -> New Deployment 8- Select Library and Name it. Click Done. 9- Then in the editor select the function "getPrices" from the dropdown and runit for the first time, by clicking on the Play button.
(It may prompt you for permissions, you should accept them)
10- Then go to your spreadsheet 11- In the spreadsheet you should have a list of all the ticker symbols you care for, make sure to put them consecutively in a column or row , so that you can select them. My suggestion to have something like this :
1 Symbol USD 2 BTC 3 ETH 4 DOGE 5 TRX
12- Edit cell B2 and put this formula =getPrices(JOIN(",";A2:A5)) (adjust column letters and numbers to your own spreadsheet needs. In this case A2 and A5 its just an example)
13- This will bring the prices and put them in the B column.
Thats, it. I hope is useful.