
a demo express/mongo JSON API for CRUDing bicycles

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bicycles API - Express live code demo app


Clone this project, and cd into the project directory.

# in a separate tab, run the db process so it's always on

# in a separate tab, run the express server so it's always on
node server.js
# or
nodemon server.js

# seed the database with bicycles
node seed.js

# launch the home page in your browser
open http://localhost:3000/

Finally, we recommend you use Postman to simulate API requests. Make sure that you select x-www-form-urlencoded when you post content to the bicycle#create endpoint (see body-parser).

HTML Endpoints

  • get / -- bicycle index

JSON API Endpoints

  • get /api/bicycles - bicycle#index
  • get /api/bicycles/:id - bicycle#show
  • post /api/bicycles - bicycle#create
  • put /api/bicycles/:id - bicycle#update
  • delete /api/bicycles/:id - bicycle#destroy