
Racing Game using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap & jQuery

Primary LanguageHTML

Starship Racing Game ##Description: Two players can operate one of two starships to race to the final frontier.

##How to Play: To move the USS Enterprise starship, press the right arrow key each time you want the starship to move one space.

To move the Romulan Warbird starship, press the D letter key each time you want the starship to move one space.

The first starship to reach the final frontier wins!

Are you ready to race to the final frontier? Go here: https://ychoy.github.io/racing-game/

##Technologies Used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery

##Existing Features: Currently, two players can race one starship to the final frontier.

#Future Features:

  • Fix the setTimeout feature. The starships return to positions that are not the starting positions. Also the starships move around a bit before stopping to a return point after a player has won.
  • Obstacles
  • Multiplayer game
  • Countdown to play
  • Reset button
  • Rotate starships and move in 4 directions