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[Multimodal Transfer: A Hierarchical Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Fast Artistic Style Transfer] [[Paper]]( (CVPR 2017)
#20 opened by shubhambagwari - 1
Number of input images used
#21 opened by shubhambagwari - 21
- 3
pystiche: A Framework for Neural Style Transfer
#17 opened by pmeier - 5
- 1
image analogy review
#15 opened by Hongiee2 - 4
- 1
Style Transfer and Surrealism
#14 opened by TJCoding - 3
questions about style transfer
#13 opened by suke27 - 8
Is DIN using Mobilenet 1 v/s 3?
#11 opened by nile649 - 2
- 1
A collection of algorithms in C#
#9 opened by GlebSBrykin - 9
style transfer focus human face
#8 opened by lisiping0817 - 3
#3 opened by rupeshs - 1
about test image
#7 opened by suke27 - 1
Release the test images?
#1 opened by flowice