- The main website with documentation is at http://behat.org
use Behat\Mink\Mink,
$startUrl = 'http://example.com';
// init Mink and register sessions
$mink = new Mink(
'goutte1' => new Session(new GoutteDriver($startUrl)),
'goutte2' => new Session(new GoutteDriver($startUrl)),
'javascript' => new Session(new SahiDriver($startUrl, 'firefox')),
'custom' => new Session(new MyCustomDriver($startUrl))
// set default session name
// call getSession without argument will always return default session if has one (goutte2 here)
echo $mink->getSession()->getPage()->getContent();
// run in javascript (Sahi) session
echo $mink->getSession('javascript')->getPage()->getContent();
// run in custom session
echo $mink->getSession('custom')->getPage()->getContent();
// mix sessions
Everytime Mink inits SahiDriver - it tries to connect to the browser with specific SID and if it can't - it starts new browser automatically. It means, that if you run ANY browser before starting mink and point it to page with correct SID - SahiDriver will use this browser as tests aim. But! By default, SahiDriver will automatically generate unique SID. You can change this behavior with third parameter to SahiDriver, which should be Behat\SahiClient\Client
$client = new \Behat\SahiClient\Client(new \Behat\SahiClient\Connection('SAHI_SID'));
$mink->registerSession('sahi_custom', new Session(new SahiDriver($startUrl, 'firefox', $client)));
could be any unique string.
Now just configure proxy settings in needed browser and point it to:
This way you could test your sites on iOS or Android or WinPhone devices.
Copyright (c) 2011 Konstantin Kudryashov (ever.zet). See LICENSE for details.
- Konstantin Kudryashov everzet [lead developer]
- knpLabs knpLabs [main sponsor]