
Primary LanguageC++

Table of the contents


Image text


  1. Make sure you have Qt creator, and clone the repo :
git clone https://github.com/yclinazp/Qt.git
  1. Open the repo in Qt creator, click run button.


  • For writing
  1. Select the source file path that you want to wirte in.

  2. Add the content in texteditor.

  3. Click "Write" button to write and append into the file

  • For reading
  1. Select the source file path that you want to read.

  2. Click "Read" button to show the content into texteditor.

  • For copying
  1. Select the source file path that you want to copy from.

  2. Add the destination file path that you want to copy in.

  3. Click "Copy" button to copy data from source to destination.