===== INSTALLATION ===== 1. Make sure that Gnu Scientific Library is installed, e.g. using the Package Manager system Examples (from http://lavandula.imim.es/adun-new/?page_id=186) Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libgsl0-dev Fedora: sudo yum install gsl-devel Suse: sudo zypper install gsl-devel 2. Type './Allwmake' in the command line 3. For versions later than 1.7, please refer to the wiki on how to modify interFoam -> waveFoam. ===== DOCUMENTATION ===== The following paper describes the implementation of boundary conditions, the relaxation zones and the framework for relaxationShapes: @article { jacobsenFuhrmanFredsoe2012, Author = {Jacobsen, N G and Fuhrman, D R and Freds\o{}e, J}, title = {{A Wave Generation Toolbox for the Open-Source CFD Library: OpenFoam\textregistered{}}}, Journal = {{Int. J. for Numer. Meth. Fluids}}, Year = {2012}, Volume = {70}, Number = {9}, Pages = {1073-1088}, DOI = {{10.1002/fld.2726}}, } Please make prober referencing to it, when using the toolbox. The porosity module and the calibration of the resistance coefficients are described in @article{Jensen2014, Author = {Jensen, Bjarne and Jacobsen, Niels Gj\o{}l and Christensen, Erik Damgaard}, Journal = {Coastal Engineering}, Pages = {56--72}, Publisher = {Elsevier B.V.}, Title = {{Investigations on the porous media equations and resistance coefficients for coastal structures}}, Volume = {84}, Year = {2014}, } Furthermore, users are referred to: http://openfoamwiki.net/index.php/Contrib/waves2Foam
Mirror of http://svn.code.sf.net/p/openfoam-extend/svn/trunk/Breeder_1.6/other/waves2Foam