
Welcome to our extravaganza in software (r)evolution!!!

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SEng 371 Spring 2015

Welcome to our extravaganza in SEng 371, Software (R)evolution! This course is for fearless 3rd year undergrads.

Date Topics Homework
Jan 5 The Mythical Man Month Post comments on The Tar Pit from MMM
Jan 7 Dicussion of Tar Pit, Intro to ULSS Post comments on Chapter 1 from Ultra Large Scale Systems
Jan 8 Dicuss ULSS and Lab 1 Chapter 2 MMM, Prepare for Lab
Jan 12 Autonomic Andi! Prepare for Lab 1
Jan 14 Discussion of ULS Do not need to post
Jan 15 Discussion of Laws of Evolution Post Comments on MMM Chapter 2
Jan 19 Discussion of Laws of Evolution Read and post comments on the evolution of the laws!
Jan 21 Brooks' Law Debate! Reading from CMU Changing Counterproductive Behaviors in Real Acquisitions
Jan 22 Project Mania! Questions and Data
Jan 26 Evolution of the Laws of Evolution (cont!) Prepare for Lab and think Projects!
Jan 28 Software Evolution "now" Read and post on [Past, Present and Future] (http://www.academia.edu/7296972/Software_Evolution_Past_Present_and_Future) and Chapter 3 MMM
Jan 29 Socio-Technical Ecosystems Your Projects!
Feb 2 MicroSoft (Rob) Post comments on Chapter 4 MMM
Feb 4 HootSuite (Adam and Toby) Post comments on skills and UVic...
Feb 5 Data sets for [Software Evolution] (http://www.academia.edu/7463067/Understanding_Software_Evolution_The_Maisqual_Ant_Data_Set) Don't forget to post!
Feb 9/11/12 Reading Break and Project extravaganza!
Feb 16 Project Scrum What is your biggest obstacle?
Feb 18 Midterm review Mythical Man Month chapters and Evolution readings
Feb 19 Midterm
Feb 23 Contructing the Dream Recruiting Event! Inverted Career Fair (save the date, April 21 7pm!)
Feb 25 Samsung (Frank Tip) ECS 660 for [talk] (https://github.com/ycoady/UVic-Software-Evolution/blob/master/TALKS/FrankTip.md) on this work !
Mar 2/4/5 Project 1 Presentations! 10 minutes, laptop/blackboard
Mar 9 Is [refactoring] (http://arxiv.org/pdf/1502.03526v1.pdf) worth it? Cool discussion of [inline] (http://number-none.com/blow/john_carmack_on_inlined_code.html), and post for Wed!
Mar 11 Software [story lines] (http://vis.cs.ucdavis.edu/papers/softvis2010.pdf) Post for Fri!
Mar 12 Evolving Project 1! How will you measure the efficacy of your plan?
Mar 16 [Socio-technical Coordination] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0CSnYvd0C4#t=1857) Come to the talk if you can!
Mar 18 [Untangling Fine Grained Changes] (http://www.gousios.gr/pub/fine-untangling.pdf) Post for Friday!
Mar 23 sendwithus tutorial for Heroku Please bring a laptop!
Mar 25 [Untangling Fine Grained Changes] (http://www.gousios.gr/pub/fine-untangling.pdf) and Midterm Review Midterm Thurs!
Mar 26 Midterm II
Mar 30, Apr 1, 2 Final project presentations