
A simple responsive mini framework to kick start your project.

Primary LanguageCSSOtherNOASSERTION


A simple responsive mini framework to kick start your project, written in Sass. Please note that this project does not include any predefined styling or premade components. We aim to create an organised base from you can create your own library instead of a one-size-fits-all solution.

We did not include a reset since we believe they are not necessary, we encourage you to define the styles you need for your project, and leave the unstyled elements to the browser.



$ bower install hoisin.scss


Place the scss and css folders in the relevan folder of your proyect. If they need to be separate from each other (like in a Laravel project) you will need to adjust the config variable in the Gulpfile.


  • Should work with all Sass 3.3 compatible preprocessors.
  • To use the provided Gulpfile just need NPM installed and do $ npm install


Open the _vars.scss file and add your variables to it, including the size of your base grid if you need anything different than the standard. You can add any variables you will be using like colors, font files, sizes, etc. Feel free to use Sass maps as well.

File structure

We recommend to create one individual file for each component and save it in the components folder then use @include: 'components/filename'; in the main styles file. The same with styles that apply only to individual pages and don't belong to any component can be saved in individual files per page in the pages folder and use @include: 'pages/filename'; in the main styles file. You can create as many component or page files as you want.

// Grid
$col-qty: 				12;   // Amount of columns
$col-width: 			60px; // Width of column
$gutter:				20px; // Width of gutters

// Breakpoints
$bp-xl: 	1360px;
$bp-l: 		1024px;
$bp-m: 		600px;
$bp-s: 		240px;


By default we use a small desktop 12 column grid with 60px columns and 20px gutters (960gs standard) and a larger desktop grid with 70px columns and 30px gutters. The column spans have simple names like ".col4". There are also some helper classes like ".colr" to pull a span to the right, and ".pre1" to ".pre10" as well as ".suf1" to ".suf10" for offset spans.

Tablet and mobile spans can be altered by using extra helper classes depending on the layout requirements, we've included classes for full, half one third and two thirds (widths) which override default column behaviour. We also added a ".clear" helper class for browsers that can't clear themselves out.

You can use nested grids simply by placing a .container element inside any .col* span, and then addiing spans inside. Note that if you place a .container inside a .col9 span, you will be able to add 3 .col3 or one .col4 and one .col4, as the available space will still count as a .col9.

Example of a typical simple layout:

<header class="container">
	<div class="col3 m-1_3 s_full">
		<div class="logo">

	<div class="col9 m-2_3">


<div class="container">
    <div class="col8 m-2_3">
    	<p>Your content here</p>
    <div class="col4 m-1_3">
    	<p>Your sidebar here</p>

See index.html file for more layout examples and combinations.


We have included a mixins file with all common mixins we use everyday. This file doesn't output anything by itself, so it's safe to include in the main styles file so the mixins are always available. Please check the _mixins.scss file for usage information about each one of them.


We have also included a functions file with a few functions we use in every project. This file doesn't output anything by itself either, so it's always included in the main styles file so the functions are available across all components and pages. Please check the _functions.scss file for usageinformation about each one of them.