
:package: Trailpack to allow passport authentification to Trails application

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📦 Trailpack to allow passport authentification to Trails application

WARNING : This Trailpack work only with trailpack-express and trailpack-waterline


With yo :

npm install -g yo generator-trails
yo trails:trailpack trailpack-passport

With npm (you will have to create config file manually) :

npm install --save trailpack-passport


First you need to add this trailpack to your main configuration :

// config/main.js

module.exports = {

   packs: [

You need to add passportInit and optionally passportSession :

// config/web.js
middlewares: {
        order: [

And to configure sessions:

// config/session.js
'use strict'

const JwtStrategy = require('passport-jwt').Strategy
const ExtractJwt = require('passport-jwt').ExtractJwt

const EXPIRES_IN_SECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24
const SECRET = process.env.tokenSecret || 'mysupersecuretoken';
const ALGORITHM = 'HS256'
const ISSUER = 'localhost'
const AUDIENCE = 'localhost'

module.exports = {
  secret: SECRET,//secret use by express for his sessions
  redirect: {
    login: '/',//Login successful
    logout: '/'//Logout successful
  //Called when user is logged, before returning the json response
  onUserLogged: (app, user) => {
      return Promise.resolve(user)
  strategies: {
    jwt: {
      strategy: JwtStrategy,
      tokenOptions: {
        expiresInSeconds: EXPIRES_IN_SECONDS,
        secret: SECRET,
        algorithm: ALGORITHM,
        issuer: ISSUER,
        audience: AUDIENCE
      options: {
        secretOrKey: SECRET,
        issuer: ISSUER,
        audience: AUDIENCE,
        jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeader()

    local: {
      strategy: require('passport-local').Strategy,
      options: {
        usernameField: 'username'

     twitter : {
     name     : 'Twitter',
     protocol : 'oauth',
     strategy : require('passport-twitter').Strategy,
     options  : {
     consumerKey    : 'your-consumer-key',
     consumerSecret : 'your-consumer-secret'

     facebook : {
     name     : 'Facebook',
     protocol : 'oauth2',
     strategy : require('passport-facebook').Strategy,
     options  : {
     clientID     : 'your-client-id',
     clientSecret : 'your-client-secret',
     scope        : ['email'] // email is necessary for login behavior

     google : {
     name     : 'Google',
     protocol : 'oauth2',
     strategy : require('passport-google-oauth').OAuth2Strategy,
     options  : {
     clientID     : 'your-client-id',
     clientSecret : 'your-client-secret'

     github: {
     strategy: require('passport-github').Strategy,
     name: 'Github',
     protocol: 'oauth2',
     options: {
     clientID     : 'your-client-id',
     clientSecret : 'your-client-secret'



Now you can apply some policies to control sessions under config/policies.js

  ViewController: {
    helloWorld: [ 'Passport.sessionAuth' ]
  ViewController: {
      helloWorld: [ 'Passport.jwt' ]

Log/Register users with third party providers

You can register or log users with third party strategies by redirect the user to :

example github 

Log/Register users with credentials

For adding a new user you can make a POST to auth/local/register with at least this fields : username (or email) and password. For local authentification you have to POST credentials to /auth/local in order to log the user.


If you want to disconnect a user from a provider you can call :

example if a user don't want to connect with github anymore


Just make a GET to auth/logout

Full example

If you have some trouble, you can view a full example with JWT and local strategies here : https://github.com/jaumard/trails-example-express Clone the repo and play a little with it to see how it works :)
