
Tested in

Figure (1)


  • Test cases
# ordinary cases
figure 1. blah blah
fig. 1 blah blah
figure 123456789. blah blah
Figure S2. blah blah
Fig. S123. blah blah

# anomalies
In figure 123 blah blah # no comma
figure1 in blah blah # no space
figure STDa1 blah blah

# Roman numerals
figure I is
figure VI is
figure X is

# should not transform in this case
'figure in' -> 'figure in'
'figure is blah blah' -> 'figure is blah blah'

# Additional cases
'blah Figure 1–2' -> 'blah {FIGURE}'
'Figure 1 and 2' -> '{FIGURE}'
'in Figures 2 and 3, and Table 2. blah' 
blah (Fig. 1a, 1b and 1c, Tables S1 and Tables S2).blah
Figures 1a,1b and 2d blah

# It doesn't cover below:
Fig. S2B,C blah
fig. 2E blah
figure S2B,C blah
Figure 2E blah
controls (figure 3B). At 18
controls (fig. 3B,C). At 18
(figure 1; table 1).
(figure 2; p=3·95×10−21).
line (figure 3A), with 
controls (θ; see figure 3D legend).
Data Fig. 5) for..
TJ (Fig.2E), it
Fig. 1D1
Fig. 1D2-4
(Fig. 2D3). 
(Fig. 1B2,3) 
later (Fig. 4A1). 
PHP in Fig. 1B3 and B4.
illustrated in S3 Fig.
plots in S1 Fig.
seen in S1A Fig.

In Fig. ??,

Figure (2)


  • Test cases
Fig. S2B,C blah
fig. 2E blah
figure S2B,C blah
Figure 2E blah
controls (figure 3B). At 18 mo
controls (fig. 3B,C). At 18 mo
(figure 1; table 1).
(figure 2; p=3·95×10−21).
line (figure 3A), with 
trols (θ; see figure 3D legend).
ed Data Fig. 5) for
ed TJ (Fig.2E), it 

Table (1)


  • Test cases
# ordinary cases
table 1. blah blah
table 1 blah blah
table 123456789. blah blah
Table S2. blah blah
Table S123. blah blah

# anomalies
Table123 blah blah # no comma
table1 in blah blah # no space
table STaa1 blah blah

# Roman numerals
table I is
table VI is
table X is

# should not transform in this case
'table in' -> 'table in'
'table is blah blah' -> 'table is blah blah'

# Additional cases
'blah Table 1–2' -> 'blah {TABLE}'
'Table 1 and 2' -> '{TABLE}'
'in Tables 2 and 3, and Table 2. blah' 
blah (Table 1a, 1b and 1c, Tables S1 and Tables S2).blah
Tables 1a,1b and 2d blah

# It doesn't cover below:
Table S2B,C blah
table 2E blah
table S2B,C blah
Table 2E blah
controls (table 3B). At 18 mo
controls (table 3B,C). At 18 mo
line (table 3A), with 
trols (θ; see table 3D legend).
ed TJ (Table2E), it

Table (2)


  • Test cases
Table S2B,C blah
table 2E blah
table S2B,C blah
Table 2E blah
controls (table 3B). At 18 mo
controls (table 3B,C). At 18 mo
line (table 3A), with 
trols (θ; see table 3D legend).
ed TJ (Table2E), it

future work:

이런 식으로 찾으면 될 것 같은데, 아직 필터링 안되는 것들이 있음

  • ((?i)fig|figure)\.\s?([A-Z0-9-][a-z]?){1,8}(?:\s|\.|\)|;)
  • ([A-Z0-9-][a-z]?){1,8}(?:\s|\.|\)|;)\s?((?i)fig|figure)\.
in Fig. 1D2-4. P
pd (Fig. 2D3). 
(Fig. 1B2,3) and
TJ (Fig.2E), it
blah Fig. 1D1,
blah Fig. 1D2-4.
(Fig. 2D3a). 
(Fig. 1B2,3) 
later (Fig. 4A1). 
PHP in Fig. 1B3 and B4.
'blah Fig. 1D1 blah ' -> 'Fig. 1D1'검색
'blah Fig. 1D2-4 blah ' -> 'Fig. 1D2-4'검색
'blah (Fig.2D3).'  -> 'Fig.2D3'검색
'later (Fig. 4A1).'  -> 'Fig. 4A1'검색
'illustrated in S3-1 Fig. This' -> 'S3-1 Fig.'검색
'seen in S1AAd2 Fig.' -> 'S1AAd2 Fig.'검색
illustrated in S3 Fig.
plots in S1 Fig.
seen in blah S1A Fig. 
In Fig. ??,