
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Spice, by Team Deez

View deployed site at: https://serene-tesla-b2da3f.netlify.com/

To start, run yarn start. Open http://localhost:3000. To build, run yarn build.


Below is the arcitecture of the app.

├── assets/ # Application assets
│   ├── icons/ # SVG icons
│   └── images/ # Images used by the app
├── base.js # Firebase configuration
├── components/ # Page Components
├── global/ # Global constants and styles
├── index.js # Starting point of the application. Handles routing and loading pages.
└── pages/ # Inidividual pages of the application

The following libraries are used:

  • React
  • Firebase and Re-base
  • Reach Router
  • Emotion
  • Normalize.css
  • Lodash

A previous version of the app used redux as well.