The first project in scope of "Backend JS Programmer (Node.js)" course on Hexlet

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A set of funny arithmetic mini-games (command line):

  • balanced numbers
    balanced is a number where smallest digit differs from the biggest one not more than by 1.
    Example: 123 is not balanced because the difference between 3 and 1 is 2, > 1. The balanced number of 123 is 222.
    Calculate the sum of all digits of a given number. Then find a number with the same sum, but composed of one or at most two digits with difference 1. The order of digits must be ascending.

  • calculator
    The game shows random arithmetic expression. Provide the correct answer/

  • even
    If the number is even or odd.

  • gcd greatest common divisor of two numbers

  • progression
    find a number missed in the progression

  • prime
    is given number prime