Constraint-based mining of relevant partially ordered pattern for classification

This repository contains the materials used for writting the paper titled "Constraint-based mining of relevant partially ordered pattern for classification" and submitted to ECAI

RPO Implementation

The implementation of our algorithm is available in the RPO directory.


  • Gecode 6 or later:

  • Boost::program_options (tested with Boost version 1.65.1 but may work with previous version)

  • A compiler for C++14 (tested with gcc version 7.3.0)

  • Cmake 3.5 or later (tested with CMake version 3.10.2)

  • SWIG 3.0 for the Python interface


For compiling using Cmake (an a shell), use the following lines.

cd RPO
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DGECODE_BIN=<Your Gecode repository>

The executable bin/RPO should be created in the RPO directory.

/!\ You will generate STRING errors if you don't use the argument -DGECODE_BIN=<Your Gecode repository>.


The same lines work for compiling the SWIG interface too.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DGECODE_BIN=<Your Gecode repository>

A python module directory rpo should be created in the RPO/SWIG directory.


You can obtain the usage using the argument --help:

$ ./bin/RPO --help
RPO Extract discriminant partially ordered patterns.

Usage:  RPO positive_file negative_file [options]
Positional Options (required):
  -p [ --positive_file ] arg input file containing the positive dataset to mine
                             positional : positive_file
  -n [ --negative_file ] arg input file containing the negative dataset to mine
                             positional : negative_file
  -f [ --fmin ] arg          minimal frequency threshold (number)
                             Number of sequences if >= 1 (support)
                             Percent of positive sequences number else
                             positional fmin
  -g [ --gmin ] arg          minimal growth rate threshold (number)
                             positional gmin

General Options:
  --help                       Display this help message
  -t [ --top_lattice ]         Browse mutliset space from the maximal one to
                               the void set
  -c [ --closed ]              Extract patterns only from closed multisets
  --min_length arg             Minimal number of items contained by an
                               extracted pattern
  --max_length arg             Maximal number of items contained by an
                               extracted pattern
  -n [ --numeric_intervals ]   Extract numeric intervals
  -l [ --output_tid_lists ]    Option to output the tid lists describing the
                               subgroups matched by the patterns
  -r [ --relevant ]            Extract only relevant episodes

Reading the output

An example of outputted pattern is:

{A:1, B:1}
A:0 |-> B:0
Support: 3/1
T+: [0, 1, 2]
T-: [0]

Where {A:1, B:1} represents the pattern multiset. In this case the multiset is composed by 1 event type A and 1 B. The orders are following the multiset. For example A:0 |-> B:0 describes that the first (index 0) instance of A occurs strictly before the first instance of B.

The order representation are:

  • A <-| B: A occurs strictly after B (corresponding interval [-1, -1])
  • A <- B: A occurs after or at same time as B (corresponding interval [-1, 0])
  • A -- B: A occurs at same time as B (corresponding interval [0, 0])
  • A -> B: A occurs at same time or before B (corresponding interval [0, 1])
  • A |-> B: A occurs strictly before B (corresponding interval [1, 1])

Then comes the support numbers Support: 3/1 and, if the -l option is used the SID of each sequence supporting the pattern T+: [0, 1, 2] and T-: [0] for the positive and negative sequences respectively.


The two datasets ASL-BU and Blocks that are used for our experiments are available in the datasets dir.

  • ASL-BU: The events are transcriptions from videos of American Sign Language expressions provided by Boston University. It consists of observation interval sequences with labels such as "head mvmt: nod rapid" or "shoulders forward" that belong to one of 7 classes like "yes–no question" or "rhetorical question".

  • Blocks: The labels describe visual primitives obtained from videos of a human hand stacking colored blocks. These labels describe which blocks touch and the actions of the hand ("contacts blue red," "attached hand red"). Each sequence represents one of 8 different scenarios from atomic actions (pick-up) to complete scenarios (assemble).

Each dataset is represented by a directory. In these directories, each label is represented by a separated file. Each line in these files represents a sequence of the form <event_type_1> <timestamp_1> <event_type_2> <timestamp_2> ....


The results presented in the paper are generated using the script. The usage of this script is the following:

usage: [-h] [--ignored_label IGNORED_LABEL] [--chronicle]
                         [--all_closed] [--no_closed_constraint]
                         [--min_size MINS] [--max_size MAXS] [--kfold K]
                         [--fmin FMIN] [--gmin GMIN] [--classifier CLASSIFIER]
                         [--out OUT]

The bash script used to run for all parameter sets looks like:

datasets="asl-bu blocks"
frequencies="0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2"
growth_rates="0 1 2"
maximal_sizes="0 4"
for dataset in $datasets
    for fmin in $frequencies
        for gmin in $growth_rates
            for smax in $maximal_sizes
                <custom timeout location>/timeout -t 3600 -m 12000000 python3 ../datasets/$dataset --fmin $fmin --gmin $gmin --max_size $smax --out $output --no_closed_constraint >> $log_output
                <custom timeout location>/timeout -t 3600 -m 12000000 python3 ../datasets/$dataset --fmin $fmin --gmin $gmin --max_size $smax --out $output >> $log_output

The custom timeout used for these experiments is available on github: timeout. The classification_1.csv contains the results with computed in these experiments.