YDB ORM for Java (YOJ) is a lightweight ORM for immutable entities, with native support for YDB
- 6
Custom byte array and number conversion logic
#24 opened by nvamelichev - 0
NULL ordering highlights in YqlOrderBy
#81 opened by errandir - 0
Yoj transactions at ydb topics
#80 opened by ansirotenko - 0
Move projections to separate module
#77 opened by lavrukov - 1
Add a default mapping for java.util.UUID
#71 opened by nvamelichev - 0
Commit transaction on last write operation
#72 opened by lavrukov - 5
Change outdated and/or deprecated data binding defaults for String, Instant and Duration
#20 opened by nvamelichev - 0
Check that read happend before save.
#66 opened by lavrukov - 1
- 2
- 3
Move YdbRepository start behavior from YdbRepository constructor to separate method
#58 opened by lavrukov - 6
Generate constants with names of fields
#52 opened by lazarev-pv - 1
Convenient way to create custom query
#43 opened by lavrukov - 5
Support multiple tables under one entity
#32 opened by lavrukov - 2
- 2
- 0
- 3
Projection isn't found in tx cache
#31 opened by lavrukov - 2
- 0
- 1
Performance test of YdbSpliterator
#42 opened by lavrukov - 0
- 0
Make annotation @GlobalIndex not too much verbose
#26 opened by g-sg-v - 0
Support Kotlin value classes
#30 opened by Azzpg7 - 0
Don't send rollback on server errors
#40 opened by lavrukov - 0
Support Kotlin data classes in YOJ
#7 opened by nvamelichev