
A Time-table cross platform application that allows user to convert timetable from any timezone to another with ease.

Primary LanguagePython


Icon A Time-table cross platform application that allows user to convert timetable from any timezone to another with ease.


To run CTZTT, a deb package for debian based linux distributions, and a windows executable are available.

For the Debian based distributions, navigate to the deb package directory.

sudo dpkg -i ctztt.deb

The Windows executable can be run directly.

For other systems, or to prevent a download of desktop application, the source code can be executed as described below. Python 3.8 + is required.

pip install PyQt5

Then, run the main script from the downloaded zip file.

python __main__.py



The original timetable needs to be created by the user by clicking on the create button on the home screen. The menu bar in the new editable Time-table window provides the following functionality:

  • Add Schedule (Ctrl + A)
  • Delete Schedule (Ctrl + D)
  • Edit Saved Time-table (Ctrl + L)
  • Save Time-table (Ctrl + S)


Two drop down menus are provided, one representing the current time-zone while the other represents the target time-zone. The former refers to the time-zone which the original time-table was made in, while the latter is that of the shifted time-table required. Press convert to open up the shifted read-only time-table


The shifted time-table is displayed in a non-interactive time-table.