
CS&SS 594 A Wi 23: Special Topics In Social Science And Statistics: Text as Data

Primary LanguageDockerfile

CS&SS 594 A Wi 23: Special Topics In Social Science And Statistics: Text as Data

Canvas site for the course: https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1629611

This repository contains a Dockerfile that UW-IT use to provide RStudio on JupyterHub for the class. The browser-based instance of RStudio for the class is freely accessible to registered students here :https://jupyter.rttl.uw.edu/2023-winter-cs-ss-594-a (UW ID log in required, file storage is attached to your UW ID and persists through the quarter)

You can also click on this button to write code in your web browser (no log in required, file changes do not persist beyond the current session): Binder