
A bidder platform which allows advertisers to submit bids to buy mobile ad space in real-time. The platform receives bid requests from 3rd-party ad exchanges and retrieves all available campaigns filtering them by targeting country and respond with the highest bid in terms of bid price.

Primary LanguageJava


A bidder platform which allows advertisers to submit bids to buy mobile ad space in real-time. The platform receives bid requests from 3rd-party ad exchanges and retrieves all available campaigns filtering them by targeting country and respond with the highest bid in terms of bid price.


This project requires Java 8 to be installed. If java 8 is not installed please follow the instractions from the oracle website (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html). External dependencies are handled by gradle wrapper.

Run bidder

To compile and start the project:

  • Navigate to project directory
  • Run tests by executing the command : ./gradlew clean test
  • Run the project by executing the command: ./gradlew bootRun

Further gradle tasks:

  • To clean the project execute: ./gradlew clean
  • To compile the project execute : ./gradlew build

Acceptance test scenarios

Acceptance tests are included in : test/java/com/bluebanana/bidder/integration