
Scripts to process macOS forensic artifacts

Primary LanguagePython


Repository of scripts for processing various artifacts from macOS (formerly OSX).

Artifact Script Name Description
Darwin folders darwin_path_generator.py DARWIN_USER_ folders name generation algorithm (those seemingly random folder names under /var/folders/)
Deserialize NSKeyedArchive plists Deserializer/deserializer.py
Converts NSKeyedArchive plists to normal (human-readable) plists (Code + compiled exe for windows)
Domain (Active Directory) Domain_Info/Read_ConfigProfiles.py Reads user profile information for AD domain users from the ConfigProfiles.binary file
DotUnderscore ._ files DotUnderscore_macos.bt An 010 template for parsing extended attribute files that begin with ._
Ktx to Png convertor IOS_KTX_TO_PNG/ios_ktx2png.py
Convert ios created KTX texture images (like app snapshots) to PNG (Code + compiled exe for windows)
Notifications macNotifications.py Parse Mac Notifications db
Office reg file Read_OfficeRegDB.py Parse MS Office created sqlite db (microsoftRegistrationDB.reg)