- 2
Bad integer for item 8 in list input
#91 opened by kaiixing - 0
dynamic snapshots cause the simulation to crash
#90 opened by crpiceda - 6
mpi and serial are not same
#85 opened by eyupsopaci - 19
Query about adding mechnochemical terms in thermal pressurisation model parameters set
#79 opened by bowenyu1 - 1
Following the issue #79
#80 opened by bowenyu1 - 0
Invalid issue. You may erase it
#88 opened by eyupsopaci - 3
- 0
- 0
- 1
DW should be constant when FFT_TYPE == 2
#46 opened by martijnende - 0
- 0
Typo in asperity notebooks
#82 opened by martijnende - 5
Number of mesh elements
#81 opened by Polyatykin - 2
NPROCS in documentation should be NPROC
#66 opened by martijnende - 0
- 2
add topics
#68 opened by Beliavsky - 5
Problems with installation
#67 opened by crpiceda - 1
Several asperities
#64 opened by Polyatykin - 2
Mojave 10.14 installation problem
#63 opened by Polyatykin - 1
p.ot_vmax doesn't work
#62 opened by SilvioPardo - 16
Outdated OX_DYN output
#42 opened by martijnende - 1
Vmax and IOT output not implemented in MPI
#44 opened by martijnende - 0
Outdated OT output
#45 opened by martijnende - 0
Drop Octave support for time series output
#47 opened by martijnende - 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
Implementation of HDF binary output
#51 opened by martijnende - 0
Coupling QDYN-SPECFEM is outdated
#50 opened by martijnende - 7
There are some difference between the results calculated by serial code and parallel code
#18 opened by yayadian2012 - 5
some trouble existed in 'JP_3d_l_asp.m'
#19 opened by yayadian2012 - 1
Update default values W/DIP_W in PyQDYN
#40 opened by martijnende - 32
Error in Output
#41 opened by geodeepak - 10
slip output inconsistency
#17 opened by ydluo - 6
Mesh node position/index wrong when FINITE=3
#24 opened by martijnende - 6
Compatibility with older version of Matlab
#11 opened by ydluo - 8
Suggestion for documentation: Github Pages
#14 opened by martijnende - 6
FFT of vector of arbitrary size
#21 opened by martijnende - 3
about thermal pressurization
#20 opened by yayadian2012 - 7
Troubles with running 2D finite fault
#5 opened by tututingting - 5
Fault type
#10 opened by ydluo - 2
Would you like to help me?
#7 opened by tututingting - 2
stack overflow
#6 opened by tututingting - 2
- 0
Differences between and downloads: trouble running any example files from
#3 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
boundary condition of 1D finite fault
#2 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0