A Nix flake offering blockchain development tools
This repo is provided as a Nix Flake. The packages defined here can be consumed via one of the flake output categories:
(which you can e.g. apply on top of Nixpkgs)- All packages are placed inside the
namespace - For example:
- All packages are placed inside the
- suitable for use withnix shell
# Replace solana with the package you want to use:
nix shell github:metacraft-labs/nix-blockchain-development#solana
:{ # <after>: # Opt into `nix-blockchain-development`'s substituter (binary cache). # `nixConfig` settings are not transitive so every user of a flake with a # custom binary cache must manually include its `nixConfig` settings for # substituters and trusted public keys: nixConfig = { extra-substituters = "https://nix-blockchain-development.cachix.org"; extra-trusted-public-keys = "nix-blockchain-development.cachix.org-1:Ekei3RuW3Se+P/UIo6Q/oAgor/fVhFuuuX5jR8K/cdg="; }; inputs = { # <before>: # nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-22.05"; # flake-utils.url = github:numtide/flake-utils; # <after>: # To ensure all packages from mcl-blockchain will be fetched from its # binary cache we need to ensure that we use exact same commit hash of the # inputs below. If we didn't, we may either: # * end up with multiple copies of the same package from nixpkgs # * be unable to use the binary cache, since the packages there where # using different versions of their dependencies from nixpkgs mcl-blockchain.url = "github:metacraft-labs/nix-blockchain-development"; nixpkgs.follows = "mcl-blockchain/nixpkgs"; flake-utils.follows = "mcl-blockchain/flake-utils"; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, mcl-blockchain, # <after> }: flake-utils.lib.simpleFlake { inherit self nixpkgs; name = "solana-hello-world"; shell = ./shell.nix; preOverlays = [mcl-blockchain.overlays.default]; # <after> }; }
:{pkgs}: with pkgs; mkShell { packages = [ metacraft-labs.solana # <after> ]; }