Aims to deliver analytics & historical data for StakeWise. Still a work in progress. Feel free to contribute!
The Graph exposes a GraphQL endpoint to query the events and entities within the StakeWise ecosystem.
Current subgraphs:
ethereum: Includes data about ETH2 validator registrations through the deposit contract and ETH1 blocks.
stakewise: Includes all the StakeWise contracts data.
uniswap-v3: Includes all the relevant data around Uniswap V3 liquidity pools for the pairs that include any of the sETH2, rETH2, SWISE tokens.
Install dependencies:
npm install
Prepare subgraphs for the network you want to deploy on (supports goerli and mainnet):
npm run prepare:mainnet
Generate types for the Typescript source code:
npm run codegen
Optionally, build the subgraph to check compile errors before deploying:
npm run build
Authenticate to the Graph API for deployment:
graph auth <ACCESS_TOKEN>
Deploy all the subgraphs or a specific one by navigating to
and running:npm run deploy:mainnet
The documentation for all the graphQL object fields can be found by going to subgraphs/<subgraph_name>/schema.graphql