
基于python在pc上驱动ape.jar(monkey测试的加强版)并监控手机端性能指标, 产出精美报告的框架

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Ape PC Framework.


For Mobile Performance Monitor Tool

In Framework libs/ busybox - Integrates common Linux commands and tools, and extends the /system/bin command that comes with android monitor.sh - Performance Monitor Tool

  • push busybox & monitor.sh to mobile /data/local/tmp/
  • chmod 777
  • shell parameter
    montior_folder: output folder montiorWindow: FPS app windows com.adastragrp.hccn.capp.ui.activity.MainActivity for example monitorPackages: com.hcc.app for example monitor_interval: monitor interval like 2 meminfo_type: if greater or equal to 1 use dumpsys meminfo else use /proc/meminfo

After testing you can found performance data in montior_folder, format csv

if you want Analyze performance data, you can use monkeyutil/Monitor.py

For Android Mobile Monkey Enhance Testing

  1. All Monkey Feature
  2. 精准点击页面控件
  3. 跳出马上拉回
  4. "--act-whitelist-file" "--act-blacklist-file" activity 黑白名单
  5. "--widget-whitelist-file" "--widget-blacklist-file" 控件黑白名单
  6. 截图并绘制坐标
  7. 根据页面控件数量智能选择操作事件
  8. H5页面等待
  9. Crash&ANR 定位帮助
  10. 更多功能等待你发掘....

Dashboard.png Report.png Report2.png Report3.png Log.png

