
A simple compiler from source to x64 assembly.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Compiler Project

This project is for learning purposes only.

We implement a compiler for a simple language. The compiler will be divided into the following parts:

  • a lexer: process the input and generates a list of tokens;

  • an LR(1) parser: generates an Abstract Syntax Tree -- or AST;

  • a scope checker: builds a symbol table for each scope of the program and checks whether all variables and functions used have been declared, and if there are redeclarations;

  • a type checker: checks whether assignments and expressions have the expected type;

  • a code generator: generates x64 assembly code targeted at Linux. The resulting assembly will be processed by nasm into object code, and then linked with ld.

  • and a standard library: functions that can be included by ulp programs, and are automatically linked in the linkage phase.

The Language

An incomplete specification of the language is in the docs directory. For the lexer we have docs/lexicon.txt, and for the parser we have docs/grammar.txt. For now, the language will just be called ulp, for "uma linguagem de programação".

Many examples of simple ulp programs can be found at the test/cases directory.

Building and Using the Compiler

To build the compiler, use make:

$ make

This will create the compiler at build/ulpc. To execute, from the build directory:

$ ./ulpc --help
ulpc -- The ulp compiler.
Version: 0.0.7

This will display ulpc's help.

Currently, some (pretty useless) programs can be compiled. To compile a file:

$ ./ulpc /path/to/my/source/file.ul

An executable a.out will be created on the working directory.

Testing the Compiler

To test the compiler, a series of ulp programs in the test/cases directory can be automatically executed via the test script:

$ make test
Running test suite...

Positive tests:
    pass 0001_noop.ul
    pass 0002_noops.ul

<output truncated ... >

    pass 0221_undeclared_func.ul
    pass 0225_declared_wrong.ul
    pass 0226_declared_wrong.ul

92 tests, 56 passes and 36 failures.

The passes and fails are displayed in green and red, respectively.

Inspecting Parse Trees

You can check the parse trees by using the auxiliar script in aux/view:

$ ./aux/view docs/current.ulp

This is an example of an AST that you might see:



Currently, the compiler is capable of parsing, doing scope resolution for variables and functions and generating an executable for programs using a subset of the language including only booleans and 32-bit integers:

$ ./ulpc ../test/cases/pos/0005a_decl_expr.ul

This command will create an a.out executable file in the working directory.

Our plans for the next versions are:

Version 0.1.x: every merge to master should increase x.

Version 0.2.0: executables being generated for the whole language, as in the current grammar specification.