
Component Name



PodcastTranscriptionAndSummarization is a Yeager component that takes a podcast URL as input and returns a transcript, summary, and summary audio file. This component is useful for processing and analyzing podcast content.

Input and Output Models

Input Model

  • PodcastUrl: A Pydantic BaseModel with a single attribute podcast_url of str type, representing the URL of the podcast.

Output Model

  • TranscriptSummaryAudioResponse: A Pydantic BaseModel with the following attributes:
    • transcript_path: str type, representing the file path to the podcast's transcript.
    • summary_path: str type, representing the file path to the summary of the podcast.
    • summary_audio_path: str type, representing the file path to the audio summary of the podcast.


  • args: An instance of PodcastUrl as input to the transform() function, containing the podcast URL.
  • callbacks: An optional any-typed parameter for passing callback functions, with a default value of None.

Transform Function

The transform() method in the PodcastTranscriptionAndSummarization class performs the following steps:

  1. Call the transform() method of the superclass AbstractWorkflow with args and callbacks as arguments to obtain a dictionary containing the results of the podcast processing.
  2. Extract the transcript_path, summary_path, and summary_audio_path from the results dictionary.
  3. Create an instance of TranscriptSummaryAudioResponse with the extracted paths and return it, containing the processed podcast data.

External Dependencies

  • typing: Used for type hinting.
  • dotenv: Load .env files to define environment variables.
  • fastapi: Create FastAPI app, making this component accessible via API.
  • pydantic: Define the input and output models for data validation and serialization.

API Calls

This component doesn't make external API calls directly, but it utilizes the APIs used by the AbstractWorkflow, as well as any APIs used by other components within the Yeager Workflow.

Error Handling

Error handling for this component mostly relies on the underlying components, used in the Yeager Workflow. Any exceptions thrown by the components, while executing the transform() method, would be propagated and handled by the component that catches it.
