
An announcement app for flashing messages on your site (@ specific url, time, acknowledgments, etc)

Primary LanguagePython

Hello and welcome. This app is designed to allow you to easily drop in messages to users
of your project. You display them much like messages (they are called 'announcements' in the
template). There are a few configuration options:

Model fields and their function:

	url: 		Maybe you want to display an announcement about changes to a particular page, 
			site-wide or just to '/'. Default = site-wide

	start_time, expire_time: Optional. Starts and stops messages at particular times

	message_level: 	In case you need varying levels of options. Uses django.contrib.messages 
			defaults and respects your overrides if you've done so

	acknowledge: 	If you want to allow users to dismiss announcements, check this. 
			Otherwise they're sticky. NOTE: This system is both cookie based
			and auth.user M2M based. If you use the router explained at the bottom
			of the page, then its *only* cookie-based.

	auth_only: 	authenticated users only. 

	sites: 		Yeah. Sites. 

Installation is a lot like django.contrib.messages in some ways:

- Include the announcements.urls in your root url conf to allow users to dismiss (acknowledge)
- Add 'announcements' to your INSTALLED_APPS
- Add 'announcements.context_processors.announcements' to your TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS
- Add 'announcements.middleware.AnnouncementsMiddleware' to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES

...Make sure this one is after your AuthenticationMiddleware. Duh, you knew that =)

Some setups might want to send announcements out to many different projects. If so...

-Add 'announcements.routers.AnnouncementRouter' to your DATABASE_ROUTERS

See the note about this router in the 'acknowledge' field above. See views.py for the
point of functionality.

The cookie installs using Site.objects.get_current() and strips any subdomains off
and appends a dot, so that browsers will know that an announcement acknowledged at
one domain (www perhaps) should also be acknowledged at the rest of the domains.

If this isn't preferrable... I dunno. Submit a patch I guess.