- [C++] Algorithm Problems
- [Android Studio] Calculate your daily nutrient intake in your mobile! MOBI (Text Recognition using Camera X)
- [Swift/Combine] Wanna create an exercise poster and share it easily? Bodymood is the best application to work those ever!
- [Swift] Preventing of Cheating through detecting your eyes' movement !
- [Swift] UIView Animation Framework
- [Swift] Encounter errors in Swift? Click here ASAP!
- [Swift] Making your exercise poster! Bodymood
- [Swift] PING! PONG! PING! PONG! Let's play PONG Game!
- [Book Summary] Clean Code written by Robert C. Martin
- [React/Nodejs] Online Prevention of Cheating Platform using 360 degrees Cam
- [HTML/CSS/Django] Website For Welfare Service
- [HTML/CSS/Nodejs] Online Group Study platform, OPEN STUDY