Setup (Required)
Install Node if you don't have it installed already
Currently using node v10.12.0 for development
Make sure you're running the scripts in a virtual environment
Makefile has all the commands you need to run the scripts to produce the data files.
To install required packages run the this command:
$ is no part of the command(s), just visual cue since terminal looks like that.
Node Version Management installation (optional)
- If you do not have nvm installed, please follow the following to setup node environment on your machine. This is for Mac OS.
- NVM allows you to work with different versions of node in case you have different project with varying node versions.
NVM with Homebrew
$ brew update
$ brew install nvm
$ mkdir ~/.nvm
$ vim ~/.bash_profile
bash_profile nvm setup
- Add the following lines to your bash_profile
$ export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
$ source $(brew --prefix nvm)/
- Go back to your terminal after adding above lines to your bash_profile
- Run the following commands to activate reload bash_profile since you just made a change to it.
$ source ~/.bash_profile
installing node with nvm
- You can install any node version you want
- Check the list of node releases
- For this project we used node 10.12.0, so go ahead and install that with nvm. See below.
$ nvm install 10.12.0
- To see list of node version available in your machine run the following
$ nvm ls
- To pick specific node version to use for your project run the following.
$ nvm use 10.12.0
- To set default node version in case you don't wanna be picking node version each time you're working on node related tasks. Do this outside your virtual environment
$ nvm alias default 10.12.0
Run everything in single command
$ Make build
- No need to run commands below if you run this as it includes all the commands
Running Commands one by one
$ Make setup
File dependencies (Required if running Makefile commands one by one)
- Some of the scripts depend on pather_search_results.txt and disease_association.txt files to produce output json files
- Run the following to build the depencies before running the scripts
$ Make build-disease
$ Make build-panther
Disease Association file
$ Make run-disease
Phenotype File
$ Make run-phenotype
Expression File
$ Make run-expression
Basic Gene Information File
$ Make run-bgi
File structure
- This is where the modules that get necessary data are
|-- src
| |-- basic_gene_information
| | |--
| |-- data_assets
| | |-- disease_association.txt
| | |-- panther_search_results.txt
| |-- data_dump
| | |-- json data files are deposited here
| |-- data_helpers
| | |--
| |-- disease
| | |--
| |-- expression
| | |--
| |-- phenotype
| | |--
| |-- models
| | |--