
a D to Javascript converter (a hacked up dmd)

Primary LanguageC

First, copy in the backend folder from the dmd.zip you
get from Digital Mars.

(You need it to compile, but I don't have a license to
distribute it myself.)

Then, run make to build the hacked dmd.

When its done, change into the "test" directory and
start to play. The makefile there shows how to build
some javascript.

../dmd -md yourfile.d

and optionally you can use my library in there from
test/browser and test/std.

test/browser is the kind of core runtime to this,
in addition to object.d.

object.d - the stuff D expects and the basic JS language

browser/*.d - bindings to objects and functions the browser provides
such as the DOM.

Most global functions in the browser are found in browser/window.d.

std/*.d - just super minimal wrappers to browser functions laid out
more like Phobos.