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Yedpay Taxi Integration Library


A Java library for Taxi to integrate Yedpay



Initialize taxi integration class

Parameter Type Description
environment String Environment ( 'staging' or 'production' )
device id String Contact Yedpay to get Device ID
secret key String Contact Yedpay to get Secret Key

Input parameters

String DEVICE_ID = "";		
String SECRET_KEY = "";

Create instance of Taxi

Taxi taxi = new Taxi(Constant.STAGING, DEVICE_ID, SECRET_KEY);
  • Example Get QR String

get QR string

String result = taxi.getQRString();
  • Example Get API Key

Get api key

Response response = taxi.getApiKey();
  • Example Create Payment QR Code

Input parameters

// Get from getApiKey()
String apiKey = "";
// Get from getApiKey()
String storeId = "";
float amount = 0.2f;

Create payment QR code

Response response = taxi.createPaymentQRCode(apiKey, storeId, amount);
  • Example Query Transaction List

Input parameters

// Get from getApiKey()
String apiKey = "";
// Get from createPaymentQRCode()	
String emvCodeId = "";
// Create from createPaymentQRCode(), format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
String paymentCreateTime = "";	

Query transaction list

Response response = taxi.queryTransactionList(apiKey, emvCodeId, paymentCreateTime);