
First docker app

Primary LanguagePython

Docker get started project.

Followed https://docs.docker.com/get-started/part2/

sudo docker run -d -p 4000:80 liliancai/get-started:part2

After installed Nginx on server

Insert in http{}:
       listen 80;
        location / {

Also disable the default pagea:#not recommand way

#include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;

sudo systemctl restart nginx

Then http://i.p.v.4 suposed to see what shows on

To stop container running as daemon

docker ps & docker stop <container ID>

To build a image and remove it

docker build --tag=helloflask . & docker rmi --force helloflask:latest

To push a builded image

run the image as daemon -d before commit, docker tag is not necessary


docker ps & docker commit f85f85be0898ecf & docker tag helloflask liliancai/helloflask:v2 & docker push liliancai/helloflask:v2 

& docker run -p 80:5000 liliancai/helloflask:v2