
Music sequencer with tracker-like properties

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Music sequencer with tracker-like properties

Building it

There is a juce version and a conole version.

Tested on Linux and macos:

# linux only
# along with the usual build tools: 
sudo apt install libncurses-dev 

# linux and macos
# to build with cmake
cmake -B build .
cmake --build build --config Release

Then to run it:

# For the command-line version: 
# macos, if you downloaded a release, you need to set the lib path: 
# disable security if you did not build it yourself: 
sudo spctl --master-disable
# later, can re-enable security 
sudo spctl --master-enable

Or for the juce version, just right click and open the .app which will be built into this folder probably:

open build/myk-tracker-plug_artefacts/Standalone