coinbaseorders ============== Coinbase Limit Orders app The app is based on Nette Framework . Nette was chosen for its security: PHP >= 5.3 is required. *** FIRST RUN 1, Make directories `temp` and `log` writable. 2, Copy /app/config/config.local.neon.sample to /app/config/config.local.neon 3, Create a new MySQL database and run database-setup.sql on it 4, Edit the newly copied file /app/config/config.local.neon: - set your local MySQL settings - set your Coinbase Application API keys and URL. Get these on You might need to create a new application - set some random SALT 5, Set up your vhost to point to `www/www` directory (where index.php file is located) - open your browser and verify that you can access the homepage and the donate sub-page *** CRON Currently the app relies on independent cron opening a page "/api/cron" once a minute to check orders. If you installed the app locally, you need to set up a cron such as this: */1 * * * * wget *** DEV ENVIRONMENT I use Netbeans 7.2 with a Nette Framework extension. *** Tips for installing on Mac OS X - Installing PHP, MySQL, and Apache: - Installing mcrypt: