Introduction: This document contains instructions on how to configure and install the downloaded ASPX application. It assumes that: 1. You have some basic knowledge of server and database technologies. 2. You have the IIS 5.0 web server. 3. You have database server as well. 4. You have .NET Framework SDK. You should download the application. It's already compiled. You should find the following components contained in the zip archive: 1. ASPX files as template files one per each page. 2. Binary stuff with code of application in the 'bin' subfolder. 3. A database file or a SQL script file that can be used to recreate the database in the 'database' subfolder. 4. A folder containing images if applicable. Installation: The installation process is pretty straightforward and requires minimal adjustment of the application files. Proceed as follows: 1. Unzip the files into a folder within your web server hierarchy from where the application will be served. Ensure that the folder name does not have spaces in it. During the process of unzipping, make sure that the files are unzipped to their respective folders. Don't simply open the zip archive and drag all the files to the same folders. For the application to work correctly, some files such as the image files need to be in specific folders. 2. You need to create the Web Application in the same folder, in which you unzip files. To do that: a) Open Internet Information Server managment console b) Find you folder in the list, mouse right click and select "Properties" c) Click on "Create Application" in the " Directory" Tab and enter the name of the new application. (Important: You should create the Web Application for each example's folder. You can not create the application and unzip example into the subfolder) 3. Load Visual Studio Project. To do that double click on the file with .csproj extension. After the loading completion, press Ctrl+Shift+B, for the project compilation --or-- Run MakeAll.bat, which placed in the same directory for the project compilation. 4. The next task is to alter the database connection string to reflect the current location/name of the database. Follow the relevant instructions below depending on the type of connection that you want to use: ODBC Connection To Configure an ODBC connection: (a) Use the ODBC option in Control Panel to setup a system DSN for the application database. The database file is located in the main folder of the application. In the interest of security, you can and are encouraged to move the database file to a more secure location outside the web server hierarchy. Your application will work fine as long as the DSN you configure points to the correct location of the database file. Ensure that the DSN is a system DSN so that it will be available to all users. (b) Open the file 'Config.web' which is in the main folder of your application path. (c) Look for the connection string statement which begins with the word '<add key="sDBConnectionString" ...'. Its basic format is: <add key="sDBConnectionString" value="Provider=MSDASQL;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=some_login;Data Source=some_data_source;Pwd=some_password" /> (d) Using the guidelines below, change the statement to the following: <add key="sDBConnectionString" value="Provider=MSDASQL;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=Admin;Data Source=Bookstore" /> where: Provider: It refers to the database provider to be used for the connection. For an MS Access database connection, this should be 'MSDASQL'. If left off, this option defaults to MSDASQL which is Microsoft's OLE DB Provider for ODBC, but you should explicitly specify it for the sake of clarity. Persist Security Info: Set this value to false to disallow saving of the security information or true if you want the security information to be saved. User ID and Password: This is used to specify user authentication values. A user name of "Admin" and a blank password are the defaults. Data Source: This is the name of the ODBC DSN you created in Control Panel. Jet Database Connection Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 is the OLE DB provider for Access. To connect to an Access database using this provider, another attribute required to make a connection is the Data Source attribute which is used to specify the full path and the file name of the Access .mdb file. A minimal OLE DB Provider for Jet connection string should look the following: strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:\path\filename.mdb" For the security purposes, you might want to place your database file not into the same folder where the web pages are located. For instance, you could place your database into the folder c:\Projects\Databases\AccessDB.mdb which is not in the web server hierarchy. The corresponding Jet connection string for the above database should be: strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source= c:\Projects\Databases\AccessDB.mdb" Other commonly used parameters are User ID and Password which are used to specify thw user authentication values. A user name of "Admin" and a blank password are the defaults, resulting in a connection string similarly to that shown below: strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source= c:\Projects\Databases\AccessDB.mdb; User ID=admin; Password="