
This Airbnb-inspired website is a joint effort of a team of developers collaborating on GitHub, utilizing React.js. Emulating Airbnb's core features, it showcases effective teamwork, version control, and adept web development skills, offering a dynamic user experience.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Phase 2: Group B Project


  1. Yegon (Scrum Master.)
  2. Faith
  3. Shadrack
  4. Noah
  5. Adrian
  6. OmarFarouq

Repository link


Figme Design Link


Table of Content

  1. Description.
  2. Project Setup.
  3. Installation Requirements.
  4. Technology Used.
  5. License.
  6. Auther.


This group project aims at revolutionizing the way travelers plan their journeys by introducing an innovative Airbnb app created using ReactJS. With a robust API integration, advanced state management, and seamless data fetching, our app is designed to provide an unparalleled user experience that simplifies travel planning and accommodation booking. By harnessing the power of ReactJS and combining it with expertly crafted CSS styling and other frameworks, we have developed a platform that empowers users to explore countless destinations, find their dream stays, and interact with real-time data. This project showcases the potential of modern web technologies to create a user-centric travel solution that combines functionality, style, and interactivity for an unforgettable travel planning experience.

Key Features:

Components and Props:

Similar to our Airbnb app, our travel planning platform utilizes React components to create a modular and user-friendly UI. Various components, such as DestinationCard and BookingDetails, are implemented to present travel options and booking information. Props are seamlessly passed between components to facilitate data sharing and rendering across the application.

State and Events:

The heart of our app lies in React's state management, enhancing the interactive experience. Leveraging the power of useState and useEffect hooks, we maintain dynamic states for destinations, accommodations, and bookings. Events like selecting a destination or modifying booking details trigger state updates, ensuring an intuitive and responsive interface.

Data Fetching:

Our app harnesses the Axios library to fetch real-time data from a robust API. Upon user interaction, the app fetches up-to-date information about destinations, accommodations, and availability. The retrieved data is intelligently managed within the application's state, enabling seamless rendering of travel options and ensuring users access the latest details for their preferred destinations.

Project Setup

Installation Requirements

  1. A Functional Laptop.
  2. A good internet connection.
  3. VS Code.
  4. GitHub Account.
  5. Postman

Technology Used


A widely used open-source operating system based on Linux, known for its user-friendly interface and community-driven development.


A source code editor that offers a wide range of features for developers, including debugging, extensions, and customization options.


A web-based platform where developers can store, manage, and share their code repositories and collaborate on projects among developers worldwide.


An open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It uses JSX, a JavaScript syntax extension for defining UI components. With its virtual DOM and one-way data flow, React efficiently updates the actual DOM. Developers favor React for its simplicity and reusability, making it a top choice for modern web development.


Cascading Style Sheets is a language used to describe the appearance and formatting of HTML elements in web pages, enabling visual design and layout control.

DB Json:

A special way to store and exchange data, similar to JSON. It's designed for databases and makes it easier to save and retrieve information efficiently.


This project showcases the transformative potential of collaborative development. Leveraging ReactJS, key features like modular components, state management, and real-time data fetching harmonize seamlessly. Diverse developers unite their skills to craft an intuitive and responsive travel planning app. By merging innovative technology and collaborative efforts, we've reimagined the travel experience, offering users a streamlined journey from exploration to booking.


The content of this repository is licensed under the MIT License.