
Visualizing Geo Data of all Earthquakes from the past 7 days. Tech used: Leaflet.js, HTML, CSS, PHP

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Visualizing Data with Leaflet


United States Geological Survey is responsible for providing scientific data about natural hazards, the health of our ecosystems and environment; and the impacts of climate and land-use change. Their scientists develop new methods and tools to supply timely, relevant, and useful information about the Earth and its processes.

The USGS provides earthquake data in a number of different formats, updated every 5 minutes. I've picked All Earthquakes from the Past 7 Days on the USGS GeoJSON Feed page. Then created a map using Leaflet that plots all of the earthquakes from your data set based on their longitude and latitude.

  • Markers reflect the magnitude of the earthquake in their size and color. Earthquakes with higher magnitudes appear larger and darker in color.

  • Popups provide additional information about the earthquake when a marker is clicked.

  • The legend provides context for the map data.


  • Plot a second data set on the map to illustrate the relationship between tectonic plates and seismic activity. Data on tectonic plates: https://github.com/fraxen/tectonicplates.

  • Plot a second data set on our map.

  • Add a number of base maps to choose from as well as separate out our two different data sets into overlays that can be turned on and off independently.

  • Add layer controls to our map.

  • Use a Leaflet plugin to visualize an earthquake as it takes place over a period of time.

  • Add another set of geospatial data that to show a new correlation or insight about the existing earthquake data.

  • Use additional plug-ins from the Leaflet Documentation to further visualize the data in a unique way.

    • Heatmap Heat

    • Data Clustering Cluster