
Netology Nodejs course 2022

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Netology Node.js course 2022

Amazing course with fun challenges

Homework and Graduation Project
Course: Backend-разработка на Node.js
13.01.2022 - 14.07.2022

Author: Gennady Yegupov

1️⃣ Streams. Modules: fs, path

Homework for class «1.4 Потоки. Модули: fs, path»
Description and Solution: Streams: Console Utilities

Task 1 - «Heads or tails» game and writing results to a log-file

Run utility
Insert into console:


Task 2 - Game logs analyzer

Run utility
Insert into console:


2️⃣ Console Utilities

Homework for class «1.2 Аргументы командной строки и console»
Description: Console Utilities
Solution: console-util

Task 1 - Utility to get the current date and time

Run utility
Insert into console:
./date.js current
./date.js current --year


Task 2 - Game «Guess the number»

Run utility
Insert into console:
