This module generates xoauth string from oauth 1.0 token for Gmail IMAP login. The logic is taken from
$ npm install gmail-xoauth
var ImapConnection = require('imap').ImapConnection,
XOauth = require('gmail-xoauth');
xoauth = new XOauth(<consumer key>, <consumer secret>);
var imapConfig = {
username: <email address>,
xoauth: xoauth.generateIMAPXOauthString(<email address>, <oauth token>, <oauth token secret>),
host: '',
port: '993',
secure: true
var imap = new ImapConnection(this.imapConfig);
This scenario covers the case of a pre-existing key/secret that allows access to an entire Gmail domain.
E.g. when a domain admin has given access to a 3rd party. That 3rd party will have a key/secret pair and
can request auth using it as follows. This is called "two legged auth" in some documentation.
Note the 4th argment to generateIMAPXOauthString
. This is the xoauth_requestor_id
. This is typically
set to the same as the email address. Not sure why its required, but Gmail won't accept 2-legged auth
without it. The individual's oauth token and secret are not required, so they are set to "".
var imap = require('../node-imap/lib/imap'),
XOauth = require('gmail-xoauth');
// these are VERY secret keys. Set them in your environment to avoid checking them in
// export consumerKey="some_string"; export consumerSecret="some_string"
var xoauth = new XOauth(process.env.consumerKey, process.env.consumerSecret);
var ImapConnection = imap.ImapConnection;
var imap = new ImapConnection({
host: '',
port: 993,
secure: true,
xoauth: xoauth.generateIMAPXOauthString("", "", "", "")