
A bookstore app with admin acces to create, update and delete books

Primary LanguageRuby


This application is running on Ruby version 2.7.3 and rails framework version Also make sure to have Postgresql database installed. And here are some links for reference:

This application is also hosted on Heroku, you can check the live demo here

Follow these steps to install the application on your local environemt:

After all is properly installed, first clone this repository with

git clone https://github.com/yehia-khalil/bookstore.git


1- Install all dependencies

run bundle insall

2- Create db and migrate schema

  • Make sure to edit database.yml file and write down your configured postgres database username and password, before running the following commands :

rails db:create , rails db:migrate and then rails db:seed

  • I have added seeders for a user with admin access with credentials of email: admin@admin.com and password: 123456.

3- Now run your application using the command rails s

4- After authenticating, you will be redirected to my humble admin panel which could do all the CRUD ops on the books entity "it was created prior to knowing i should be using Rails Admin gem" . To access the rails admin panel, you can either click on the Admin panel link present in the header or just type down {domain}/admin in the url.